2785 Walston Road
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
(814) 938-3724

Shorts with PD (Blog)

What Kind of ChristianIt is becoming popular to say, "I am a “fill in the blank” Christian".  The problem is with what people use to fill in the blank. Sometimes it is good, but more often than not, the "fill in the blank" is a creative way to say that one is a Christian even though they don't really want to be a Christian.

Acts 11:26 states, "And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch."

Why were the disciples called Christians?  Well, it was because they followed Jesus and modeled their lives in the way that Jesus asked us to live.  Because of that, Jesus had an amazing relationship with them, and Mark 16:17-18 was evident in their lives.

Today, people want to qualify what kind of Christian they are.  The thing is, it should never be qualified.  A true believer follows Jesus in all they do.  When people try to say they are this or that type of Christian, they are doing one of three things.

(1)    They are trying to change what the definition of a Christian is, into something they want.  They begin to change the requirements Jesus asks for.  They then say that is okay, in order to make it okay in their eyes to do what they want, and still be a Christian in their mind.  The problem is, they do not consult Jesus on the matter.

(2)    They are trying to be more accepted in the mainstream.  They are compromising the Gospel message in order to fit in.  I got news for you.  You only need to be accepted by Jesus.  Jesus says that the mainstream will never accept the message of Jesus.  So, don’t go there.

(3)    The third thing is that they want to call themselves Christians so that they can justify sin.  If the Bible says it is sin, and you are openly doing it, and then calling yourself a Christian, I don’t want to be in your shoes when you meet Jesus.

I think that all three of the above people are in trouble with their eternal soul.  This is also why revival is hindered in most churches, because this has become acceptable. 

These people need to be shown that being a Christian is when you freely give your entire life to Jesus.  You give Him complete control, and you do it willingly.  Then Jesus sees that, and is now responsible for you, and will move in your life in ALL the WAYS, you have wanted Him to.

If you are a Christian, simply be a Christian.  Be like the early church, which is how the church was always supposed to be. Live your life so that people look at you and call you a Christian, not because you are a Bible thumper or holier than thou, but you are simply in love with Jesus, and Jesus shows up in your life on a regular basis where others take notice. 

When that happens, you can know a couple of things.  You truly are on the road to heaven with no doubt, and nothing in this life can stop you, because Jesus will make sure of that, because you truly are a Christian.  It really is quite simple.

Remember Jesus loves you; I love you; and you are awesome!