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Punxsutawney, PA 15767
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Shorts with PD (Blog)

5 minute dateA lot of people fall in love, and that is easy. The hard part is staying in love. Here is a great way to keep love going for a lifetime. I call it the 5 Minute Daily Date.

I do a lot of marriage counseling, and this is my go-to first step. Here is how it works (the simplified version).

I ask couples to do something for 3 weeks. At the end of every day, before they go to bed, spend 5 minutes telling the other person why they love each other.

The first night it goes well, but the key for the next night is to think of something different to say to them.  This makes nights 2 through 5 difficult.

The point of this exercise is that it forces us to actually think about the person we are in love with, why we are in love with them, and why we still want to be in love with them throughout our day. Knowing you have this 5-minute date at the end of the day will force you to look at those you love in a different and better way, even when things aren’t going so well.

This is why it must be at the end of the day right before bed, because if you just do it in the morning, you are then free to forget about the person during the day. If you are in love with that person, you should want to think about them more often.

There is also another benefit of doing it before bed. How you go to sleep is key. God says in Ephesians 4:26 to not let the sun go down on your anger. Let’s face it, we will all have bad days, and we will not be feeling the love, so to speak. God is not saying you will resolve the conflict. It may still be there, but despite the conflict, you will choose to not go to bed angry. If you go to bed angry, the devil can play with your mind while you sleep. It won’t be peaceful, and the situation can actually get worse as the devil plays with your mind as you sleep. If you go to bed saying loving things, then God can give you peace and rest and work on the resolution to the conflict in ways that you may not have thought of.

How you go to sleep will have a great effect on your rest and thus on the next day.

Once one gets past the 5-day mark, it gets easier because you have gotten through the tough part. You are teaching yourself, that no matter what happens, you love that person, and now you are consciously looking for the good in that person.  You are looking for something loving to say to them. Now the relationship is more alive because they are in your thoughts all through the day. in a good way.

After 21 days, it will become a habit, a good habit, that will bring great benefit to your relationship.

One more thing, most people say a prayer before going to bed. When you pray, do you think of something nice to say to Jesus? Do you think Jesus would like to hear something heartfelt from you? I am sure He would. Now, just imagine if we did that daily. What to do you think Jesus will say and do for you in return? Just imagine! Remember it is all about a relationship and keeping the relationship alive.

Try the 5-minute date with the one you love and with Jesus and see if both relationships don’t go to another level. What do you have to lose? If nothing happens. you are exactly right where you are now. However, if something does happen, imagine how good it can be, and then realize it can be even better than you imagine!

Also, remember this is only my go-to first step, there are others, but this one really sets the tone for a love that will continue to grow and not get stale.

Remember Jesus loves you; I love you, and you are awesome!

What is LoveTomorrow is Valentine’s Day, where we celebrate love. The thing is, what is love? Everyone wants it, but no one seems to really get it, because no one really knows what love is. There are so many definitions out there, and because of that, it is hard to find. Jesus knew that we desire love above everything else, so He wrote exactly what love is, so that you could recognize it and go after it.

I Corinthians 13:4-7: "Love suffers long and is kind"; (Love is in it for the long haul and always looks for the best in the other person.); "love does not envy" (Love only focuses on the one who is loved, not comparing it to anything else.); "love does not parade itself, is not puffed up" (Love does not focus on yourself, it is humble.);  "does not behave rudely" (Love never puts the other person down.); "does not seek its own" (When the other person hurts us, we seek to help that person. When the one we love is wrong, our desire is to help them.); "is not provoked" (Love does not let the other person steal their joy of the relationship.); "thinks no evil" (Even when 100% in the right, it does not push its advantage home. It seeks to heal the other person.); "does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth" (It seeks to find the whole story and know the truth before acting in any way toward the other. Love does not jump to conclusions quickly.); "bears all things" (Love is there no matter what the situation.); "believes all things" (Love always looks to a better future.); "hopes all things" (Works with the other to make the future better.); "endures all things" (Things will go wrong, but love will be there in those dark times to say I am there for you, just because it is you.).

That is God’s definition of love. I think that sounds really good. Imagine if the world would actually practice that kind of love. Yet, some people say the Bible is irrelevant.

As you look at the definition, what do you notice? It is all about the other person, not about yourself. Imagine if we all practiced this type of love.

You might say, but what is in it for me? Think about it.  If we all practiced love for others, and they did the same, then you would receive this kind of love in return from everyone. Now, wouldn’t that be great?

I Corinthains 13:8 says, "Love Never Fails".

This is love, and this love will not fail.

This is also the definition of God, because God says He is love in I John Chapter 4. Think about it. God is all powerful. He does not have to put up with us. Think about humanity as a whole. Then just think about your life. God does all of this, and puts up with a lot from us, and yet God says over and over and over again, He loves you and wants to be with you, despite what you do.

Are you looking for love? Start with Jesus. Then practice this type of love. You won’t be perfect at it, no human is, but this will lead you to the love you want, the love you deserve. As you practice this type of love, you will be able to see the counterfeits, and know when someone is not loving you, so that you can avoid heartbreak. That is priceless advice, and Jesus gives it to you for free.

Remember Jesus love you, I love you, and you are awesome!

PS – Check back next week for a follow up!

Where is your hope page 002In life, people tend to put their hope in many different things.  Children put their hope in "Santa Claus" to bring them gifts at Christmas, and they put their hope in the "Tooth Fairy" to put money under their pillow in exchange for their tooth.  Adults also tend to put their hope in things of this world, which don't always give them the result that they want.  This weekend is Groundhog Day.  Here in Punxsutawney, and many other areas, people tend to put their hope in Punxsutawney Phil, the resident Groundhog.  They long for an early spring, and hope that he will deliver the notice that it's right around the corner

This hope in things and people of this world is representative of a big reason that prevents Jesus from moving among us the way that He desires to do so.  Our amazing ability to try to fit in with this world, many times gets in the way of our real reason for living in this world with Jesus, and it distracts us from carrying out the mission that God gave us.  We are to go into all the world and share the Gospel, and the Bible clearly explains that we cannot serve two masters.  So, when we allow the distractions of this world to guide our actions and thoughts, we are in real danger.  We need to allow God to be the only guide and master for our life, and our hope only needs to be in Him, because He is everything and He is all that we will ever need.

When we come to Jesus, we are no longer part of this world.  We are part of Jesus’ world, and we have a future in heaven.  God wants us to share that with as many people as possible.  We may live in this world, but we have the power and backing of God Almighty at our disposal.  We do not have to be limited by the restrictions and rules of this world.  We can do all things through Christ that gives us strength.  Philippians 4:13

Yet for some reason, we still try to fit into this world, even though it's not our permanent home.  

Punxsutawney Phil is also called the seer of seers.  That is also translated King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I can tell you that Punxsutawney Phil is not the seer of seers, only Jesus is!

When we put our faith in God, and then say that we put our hope in something or someone else, such as Punxsutawney Phil, what are we saying to Jesus?

What we are saying is a slap in the face to Him. We should only put our faith and hope in Jesus.  Jesus is looking for people, like those we read about in the Book of Acts, who will stand for Jesus and not compromise.  Remember that the Book of Acts is not a history book, but a how to book of how the church is to act and operate in this world. 

When we follow God's Word, putting all of our faith and hope in Him, then Jesus will show up in His glory and power to defend us and lift us up so that everyone can see how great our God is. 

If we want to have the amazing life Jesus promised us, we cannot have one foot in heaven and the other on this planet.  We have to go all in with Jesus, and really live this verse, John 17:16 - "They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world".

Don’t try to live in this world.  This world is not our future.  We are only here to show others that something better, something amazing, is out there.  Take a stand for Jesus.  Put your faith and hope in Jesus and see the Book of Acts show up in your life.  See God move in your life like He has always wanted to, and He will, because He can’t wait to show His glory through you. We just have to give Him a reason to do so.

Punxsutawney Phil usually lets everyone down, because he is never right.  He is just a groundhog.  However, when we go all in with Jesus, He will never let us down.  For those in Punxsutawney, I am looking forward to the day when this town is known for the glory of God rather than some groundhog.

Yes, the groundhog brings in business, but nothing like the way Jesus can!

Remember Jesus loves you, I love you, and you are awesome!

trinity page 001A long one from the past, but a good one that everyone needs to read at some point.
In Christianity people often get confused with the doctrine of the Trinity. Even within the Assemblies of God’s fundamental truths, in which this doctrine is the second of those fundamental truths, it has the longest definition because this is the most debated and misunderstood doctrine in the Bible.
The Bible says that there is One God over and over again - Deuteronomy 6:4. Then, however, you have Jesus as the Son of God, and the obvious question many have is, “Is Jesus equal to God?” John 1:1 says that Jesus is the Word, and the Word is not only with God but is God. Then you have the Holy Spirit. He also is God. In John 14:18, Jesus says that when He leaves, He will not leave us as orphans. What is an orphan? An orphan is a person with no biological parents. Jesus is God and when the Holy Spirit comes after Him, we will not be orphans because the Holy Spirit is also God.
So, what is this all about? I have at times struggled over the years to explain this to people. Then God one day showed me a great illustration that I will share with you today. One thing we have to understand is that God is always revealing Himself to us in Scripture. You will never know all about God until you get to Heaven. If you could, then God would not be God. Until then, He wants you to always get closer and closer to Him, and as you do, He will reveal more and more of Himself to you as your RELATIONSHIP with Him deepens. God wants you to know Him. In our present state we cannot understand God fully, only when we get to Heaven in our immortal eternal bodies will we be able to fully comprehend all that God is. We will then see and realize how GREAT He really is. God takes great delight in taking you on an amazing journey to Him during this life. Enjoy that journey of getting to know God.
Here is what the Lord showed me to help us understand the Trinity in human terms. The trinity shows us how God works for us in this life. He is one God with 3 jobs and His forum where He works is in the context of a courtroom.
The Holy Spirit acts in the role of the prosecutor. The job of a prosecutor is to bring a case against someone accused of the crime who willfully broke the law. We have broken God’s laws. How do we know? James 4:17 says, “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.” The Holy Spirit’s job is to point out to us that we have sinned (John 16:8). This may sound mean, but it is so important. We know that we have done wrong, but like everyone, we hope that no one notices. The Holy Spirit reminds us that God does know and that there is evidence that we committed the crime. If the Holy Spirit did not do His job of being the prosecutor, then we would never deal with the fact that we did something wrong. If we never do that, then we never come to the point to realize we need to be forgiven and that we need a savior.
God, in His job as the Holy Spirit, brings us to the realization that there is a trial so that we can deal with the fact that we have not lived up to God’s standards. Without that we would never come to God, so this job is absolutely necessary for our salvation. Without it, we would not even consider the need for a Savior.
Then after God, in the role of the Holy Spirit, presents His case, He takes off His business suit and puts on the robe of Judge. God is still God. He is just now doing a different job.
God the Father is Judge. He hears all the evidence against us. He weighs the evidence and then pronounces judgment on us. He looks at us and says that we are guilty. Once again, this may sound mean, but it is necessary. We are guilty and we know it. Romans 3:23 states, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” The only verdict is that we are guilty, and it is FAIR. God is always fair. We are all equal before God. There is no favoritism with God. That is the problem with the legal system in America. Many times, it comes down to who you know, or how much pity you can garner from the judge. Sometimes you run into the wrong judge who punishes you worse than you deserve. The system is inherently unfair. Most do not trust the court system because of this question, “How do I know it is fair?” However, God is fair, and there is a standard, His Word. He says that all sin is worthy of death (Romans 6:23).
Side note: There are no worse sins or deadly sins. All sins are the same and are all deadly. When someone thinks that there are degrees to sin, they begin to think that their sin is not as bad and therefore won't send them to hell if not forgiven. That is a very dangerous place to be. The fact that people automatically call certain sins deadly, infers that some sins are not. God makes no differentiation between sins. Sin is sin.
Since all sin leads to death and we all have sinned, God pronounces fairly on every single person that all are guilty. No one is innocent, Psalms 14:3. God does not acquit anyone because He has to judge by the rules that He laid down or He would not be righteous. If the Father, acting as judge, acquitted anyone, then none of His laws would mean a thing. There are no loopholes with God.
Now this may seem depressing and not a story of hope, but it is actually the opposite. Without God acting as prosecutor and judge in this manner, there would be no hope because there would be no absolute upon which anything was based. God would contradict Himself and be just like humanity. If that were so, then how could God make Heaven the way it is, as a place we want to go to? How could God then expect us to enter into a relationship with Him when trust would be a factor? How then could God actually be able to do what He said and hold everything together if He could not even hold to what He has written? These two roles are absolutely necessary for the Love of God to be true, and that brings us to the last job.
After God pronounces judgment and sentence, life forever away from Him, He takes off His judge robe and puts on street clothes. He is now acting as Jesus the Son. The Son came to be with us, Matthew 1:23. Jesus came to experience all that we go through, Hebrews 2:14-18, to show us that He understands all that we are going through. No one can come to Jesus and say that He doesn’t understand because He does. That is why He came.
In His role as Son, He approaches us, knowing that we have sinned and that we are deserving of death. He knows all of this and still chooses to approach us. He then looks at us and says that He has decided to pay for our sin. He wants you to know that He died for you on Calvary because He loves you no matter who you are, no matter what you did. He loves you “just because”. He came to save you from what you earned, to give you all that He has, which you did not earn.
That is the message of God to us. God is the one true God, but He works in three different roles to bring us face to face with His amazing love that defies explanation, and it always will, because it’s what we really want, and because God wants to love you.
Now here is the kicker. You saw God make a case against you. You then saw God judge you fairly, and then you saw that same God come down to be with you and say that He paid it all for you. You can be free because He loves you.
You have seen all of this, now the choice is up to you. Will you accept the fact that you are a sinner? Will you accept the fact that you deserve to be punished? Will you then accept what Jesus did for you?
To be saved, one must answer yes to all three of these questions.
If you don’t accept the fact that you are a sinner, you will never believe that you need a savior, because you will not think that any judgment has been entered against you.
If you accept the fact that you are sinner, but do not accept the judgment, you will try all of your life to prove that wrong, and you will never realize the fact that there is a consequence to your actions. You will never own up to it. You will live a life of denial and think that you can still go to Heaven.
The last one is where many are. They realize that they are sinners. They realize that they have been judged. They see that Jesus has offered to pay it for them, but then they decide not to take that payment. They try to then do it on their own. The problem is that they can never pay this debt on their own. The payment is their life. They think they can do good to outweigh the bad or they can do this religious thing or another. It does not work that way. At the end, your life is the payment. Jesus said He gave His life so that you don’t have to lose yours. It is an incredible deal. I wish everyone would take that deal.
This is why the concept of the Trinity is in the Bible, to show us how to be saved. This is also why when we get baptized, Jesus said this in Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Baptism is not a ritual, but it is where we tell everyone that we are on God’s side. The reason that we do it in the name of all three is to give homage to the three jobs that He does, not to three different Gods. We realize we are sinners (Holy Spirit’s job). We realize that we have a judgment against us that we deserve (Father’s job), and we realize that someone chose, despite who we were, to pay all of that debt for us (Son’s Job). Baptism says that we realize that all three of these were necessary for our salvation and that we are so glad for all three so that we could be saved!
Remember Jesus loves you, I love you, and you are awesome!