Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, where we celebrate love. The thing is, what is love? Everyone wants it, but no one seems to really get it, because no one really knows what love is. There are so many definitions out there, and because of that, it is hard to find. Jesus knew that we desire love above everything else, so He wrote exactly what love is, so that you could recognize it and go after it.
I Corinthians 13:4-7: "Love suffers long and is kind"; (Love is in it for the long haul and always looks for the best in the other person.); "love does not envy" (Love only focuses on the one who is loved, not comparing it to anything else.); "love does not parade itself, is not puffed up" (Love does not focus on yourself, it is humble.); "does not behave rudely" (Love never puts the other person down.); "does not seek its own" (When the other person hurts us, we seek to help that person. When the one we love is wrong, our desire is to help them.); "is not provoked" (Love does not let the other person steal their joy of the relationship.); "thinks no evil" (Even when 100% in the right, it does not push its advantage home. It seeks to heal the other person.); "does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth" (It seeks to find the whole story and know the truth before acting in any way toward the other. Love does not jump to conclusions quickly.); "bears all things" (Love is there no matter what the situation.); "believes all things" (Love always looks to a better future.); "hopes all things" (Works with the other to make the future better.); "endures all things" (Things will go wrong, but love will be there in those dark times to say I am there for you, just because it is you.).
That is God’s definition of love. I think that sounds really good. Imagine if the world would actually practice that kind of love. Yet, some people say the Bible is irrelevant.
As you look at the definition, what do you notice? It is all about the other person, not about yourself. Imagine if we all practiced this type of love.
You might say, but what is in it for me? Think about it. If we all practiced love for others, and they did the same, then you would receive this kind of love in return from everyone. Now, wouldn’t that be great?
I Corinthains 13:8 says, "Love Never Fails".
This is love, and this love will not fail.
This is also the definition of God, because God says He is love in I John Chapter 4. Think about it. God is all powerful. He does not have to put up with us. Think about humanity as a whole. Then just think about your life. God does all of this, and puts up with a lot from us, and yet God says over and over and over again, He loves you and wants to be with you, despite what you do.
Are you looking for love? Start with Jesus. Then practice this type of love. You won’t be perfect at it, no human is, but this will lead you to the love you want, the love you deserve. As you practice this type of love, you will be able to see the counterfeits, and know when someone is not loving you, so that you can avoid heartbreak. That is priceless advice, and Jesus gives it to you for free.